- The False Prophet -

"How Demons live their life."
Cooter Pritchart

The Illuminati

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Fight the Government!

Our system is CORRUPT!

Matthew Schweitzer

The Illuminati is the group that "owns" conspiracy. Although conspiracy involves nearly every business, family, pet, computer, etc. on this planet, it's the Illuminati which is basically the forefront of it all. This group of demons (are they real people or demons?) make-up are entire government. That includeds city, state, federal...everything.

False Prophet
The New World Order

Members of the Illuminati are evil individuals called "freemasons." In general, they tend to hold more liberal world-views than the bucolic, dogmatic views of the priesthood. This secret society eponymously promotes enlightenment as well as moral progress; yet their philosophies are secret because it clashed with church doctrine. Hence it therefore becomes evil to be linked to the Illuminati.

The Illuminati is everywhere now with its popularization in the media and pop culture. There is a wide range in views as to the extent of power the Illuminati has, but we must maintain that this demonic group is made up of high-brow politicians, bankers, business moguls and celebrities. On the extreme end of the spectrum, these members are also alien reptilian species who attempt to control humanity in various ways.

Freemasons hold secret gothic meetings on a regular basis. They are consistently conspiring the plotting of a New World Order through methods ranging from population control, to the spread of pandemics, to Chemtrails, geo-engineering, and a secret space program. Other tactics discussed at these diabolical meetings include bribery and compromising of politicians through various means.

A major point of contention, for American citizens that are potentially involved in these meetings, is that they are breaking the law through the world's governments. Many people are manipulated to believe that their "votes" count when in fact they don't. Each time a citizen goes to vote their voting booths are actually just fake with tiny cameras attached. They track whom you select but the individual elected is already pre-selected. In fact, all politicians are freemasonry ACTORS - which makes the world controlled by the Illuminati.

Videos that explain the Illuminati

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Johnny Anonymous

- Johnny Anonymous -