This all started in late January of 2020. The virus - known as COVID-19 (or the "Corona virus) - entered the state of Washington January 20 and was officially reported on January 22. Seattle became known as the epicenter at the time. Deaths grew vastly. The citizens of the United States quickly became frightened for their lives. Businesses quickly began to close everywhere. Job loss grew to record highs as many had no source of income. The government had to make quick decisions in order to calm its’ inhabitants from losing mental control of themselves. So they came-up with a plan: give them a source of entertainment 24-7 in which they can watch from home!
Yes. It was and is a great idea. And what is the best source of entertainment that nearly all Americans enjoy watching the most? That right: Action and Adventure series would beat them all. The government put together a plan that would start with a violent action-plan scene that would then lead to an adventurous setting. And the LONGER it would last the better – in order to cover the COVID-19 epidemic.
So in the middle of May when society was getting a nearly complete shut-down, U.S. president Donald Trump held a meeting with some of his closest friends to come up with plan to accomplish this goal. He met confidentially with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House of Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) and U.S. House Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) in early March. With this highly intelligent group, President Donald Trump and his crew decided to carry out a simple “Act” in public along with hiring as many local citizens as possible to help a grim city financially; all while hoping to get the entire country view it as well. They believed as long as everything carried out well, other cities would want to do the same fictional acts as hi-fi as possible. It was an idea that just may take everyone’s mind off the COVID-19 epidemic which was causing thousands of deaths, and instead focus on Donald Trump and how well he was doing during his term in office. The plan just may work.
The date to carry out the plan was then set for May 25, 2020. Trump's regime hired a couple specific camera crews along with hundreds of unemployed in the city of Minneapolis, Minnesota for various times/hours throughout the day. Everyone was in need for a job and they can all clock in and out through their cell phone for $8/hour. Most citizens either had to simply protest walking up and down the streets or make some recording to post online ($10/hour for recording pay). The head actors consisted of George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Tou Thao, James Kueng, and Thomas Lane for that afternoon recording shift.
The two head actors (Mr. Floyd & Mr. Michael) carried out their scene wonderfully well. The camera crews did their job great too and the scene was uploaded to the internet quickly to Donald Trump’s delight. Soon, the idea of COVID-19 was out of nearly everyone’s mind – just as Donald Trump had planned. As desired, everyone was at home on their televisions, computer or phone watching the hired characters carrying out their scenes of violent actions on the streets of Minneapolis; staying home and keeping COVID-19 from spreading everywhere. It was a complete success.
However, an unexpected twist occurred. As citizens learned of the $8/hour protesting plan Trump had laid out, many citizens decided to take advantage in other cities. Soon after the Minneapolis set, the cell phone app was hacked – probably in China - and occupants began developing their own scenes elsewhere. Nearly all urban cities began using the app to either 1.) become employed as actors/cameramen for the scenes OR 2.) stay at home for pure entertainment. Commercials in between the scenes took instant advantage as well. In fact, President Donald Trump got a little jealous and set-up his own protest scene right outside The Whitehouse for the entire country to watch (see below).
Donald Trump soon began to realize that more and more of the population was taking advantage of his mind-rendering COVID-19 riot show. Plus, many “groups” started to take his fictional series a tad too extreme. This includes ANTIFA, the Not Fucking Around Coalition, Patriot Prayer, the Nationalist Front, the League of the South, the Patriot Front, the Proud Boys, and the Boogaloo Bois. In order to try and lessen the acting – and pay the government has been supplying – Trump resorted to Twitter and began trying to convince viewers that the fictional murders were real through blaming specific groups (such as ANTIFA. His hopes were to create more online controversy rather than vicious, phony street altercations in which the government would have to pay through the hacked cell phone app.
Although the scheme of applying these fictional city protests and conflict has gradually mellowed out over the summer of 2020, there is still much anger through most of United States’ society. This may very well be due to the constant fraudulent street brawls improvised by the government.
For example, hours of watching these free-for-all series may very well play a role in lesser support for general law enforcement. Often times we have seen security and the police force fight back a little more than expected. There’s even times when it looks as if military agents have been assigned to some cities to harm innocent citizens there!Secondly, many of the scenes show clashes between individuals or groups of different ethnic nationalities. This also made lead to some taking these urban-action films a little too serious. Maybe to the point in which he or she would become judgmental of themselves when they are out-and-about; all due directly to what they’ve seen with Trump’s fiery displays to others. But overall, despite these poor mishaps during the many shows, Anonymous will rate all of Trump’s riot improvisations 8.5/10.
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