- The False Prophet -

"How Demons live their life."
demon ghosts


- Spirits are all over -
We must be careful for what we do.

Spirits Are Around Us All

How to protect yourself

The False Prophet can be seen fueling the immorality of our nation. While at the same time, the Religious Spirit stands staunchly to make sure that no laws will change. The two are in a constant deadlock.

You see the False Prophet and the Religious Spirit are operating through those who profess to be saved. But if you look closer, you can see those who are operating according to these spirits are not in alignment with the Holy Spirit - the more special of the two.

Come Out of Agreement with the Religious Spirit and False Prophet

How many know there is a difference between saved folks and disciples? Today, we each have a choice. We can choose to be honest with God and admit that this has been an influence in our lives, thus deciding to come out of agreement with it. Or we can simply continue with corrupt society's status quo.

Now, just because you have been under the influence of the False Prophet or the Religious Spirit does not mean that you are possessed. Those who are possessed are extremely vindictive. If you cross their path, that is when they may come after you.

Half of our population consists of spiritual beings. We will acknowledge where they have influenced us. And today, we will choose to walk away when we can. Otherwise they can take away your soul in order turn you away from a Holy Spirit and into a Demon.

We will not take the Religious Spirit or the False Prophet head-on. Doing so only places us in harm’s way. Instead, we will choose to repent, allowing the Lord to deal with these strongholds that have affected each one of our lives. If not, we will never be able to answer God’s call in the fullness of life.


Today a choice is set before each one of us. If we choose to walk in godly sorrow and repent, then we will walk in total freedom.

If You Are the Family Leader…

If you are the leader of your family, please take your place and say, “I’m going through for my family’s sake.” At this moment, you are standing at the door of truth. You are either going to feed your head with things that prosper you, or those things that create negative mindsets. It is up to you to decide. Don't allow the many evil spirits around you overcome those thoughts within.

A Religious Spirit is Always Exposed by a False Prophet when it SHOULD be. Here are signs that you may be influenced by a poor Religious Spirit…

Please re-read those above demonic signs as many time as possible to help shun the demonic spirits which may be trying to possess you. And if you personally know (or have been exposed to) a False Prophet Spirit feel free to send a simple email so The Anonymous can take care of them "properly". In the meantime, please be careful and follow the Holy One.

Please contact us and we can

save your soul!

Our Promise to You

Just Follow Our Path

Johnny Anonymous

- Johnny Anonymous -