- The False Prophet -

"How Demons live their life."

Crazy Meijer Lady

Maybe the craziest scenes in a grocery store ever

If the customers would just listen to her preach!?!?!

Just who is...

The "Crazy Meijer Lady"

Crazy Meijer Lady being excorted by Michigan police
Recordings We Attained:

Crazy Meijer Lady Videos:

Look deep into each of The Crazy Meijer Lady's videos and try to understand her feelings between our dear Lord & Savoir Jesus Christ along with the...umm, "faithful" language.

Please contact us and keep us informed

There are plenty of options on this site for us all to stay updated about new conspiracy scams that are coming up non-stop...videos and everything. Again, do your research!

Our Promise to You

Just Follow Our Path

Johnny Anonymous

- Johnny Anonymous -